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The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18

Are you going through a problem that never ends? You are trying to cope. You’re trying to overcome the situation or get out of it, but it’s like you’re in a ditch that you can’t escape. In these situations, one of our usual reactions is to find someone to talk to. We want someone to validate our feelings: that it’s just right for us to feel hurt, confusion, or frustration. We want someone to comfort us. We want to feel that someone understands.

But sometimes, you get to the point where you feel, you have nowhere to go. You may be afraid to keep on bothering your friends because you’ve mentioned you’re going through the same problem again and again. You are also having second thoughts about telling your family because they might judge you as weak. Of course, it’s painful to receive invalidation and be told that your problem is petty. Have you ever come to a point where you asked yourself, why am I affected? And fear hits you that they will only blame you. Why is it that after all this time, you can’t overcome the situation you are facing? For these reasons alone, it doesn’t feel like it is safe to talk to anyone, and it adds to your pain.

Thankfully, Psalm 34:18 says we can approach God. God has no mention of a limit on how many times we can approach Him. We have unlimited access to him. According to Hebrews 4:15, Jesus is our Great High Priest, and He understands our weaknesses. If we are hurting, we can come to Him with our problems and hurts, big or small. And always, we will feel refreshed and that we are not alone. APPLICATION What is your favorite way to talk to God? Is it while taking a walk? Being quiet in your room? Or while writing in your diary? Find time to do this today so you can breathe in Him the things you can’t tell others. LET’S PRAY Lord, sometimes, I feel ashamed to come near You. It’s hard to admit that I can’t handle my problem. Help me let go of my misplaced pride so I can bring it closer to You.


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